Tuesday, August 28, 2012

28th August

Please can two of you come to Room 40 (Drama Room) to collect the Cameras, batteries and tripods.

Mr. Harris

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Media Diary Task

Welcome back everyone,

Over the summer, you were asked to keep a diary of any and all media you interacted with, including Name, Medium, time spent, and context (i.e. who you were with, what you were doing).

Today, I would like you to create a presentation which summarises your media experiences;

Which media did you spend the most time with?

Did you focus on one or two different media or lots of different kinds?

Did you spend a lot of time by yourself, with others or online with friends?

Did you try out any new media over the summer? For example, did you read newspapers when you don't normally? Any new websites or T.V. shows? Did you watch any news?

What technology did you use? Cinema or iTunes for films? Internet, Mobile Phone or T.V. for news? etc.

Any other important information about your own personal media experience.

You will give your presentation in class this week.

Mr. Harris